Sunday, June 3, 2012


hello all this is William lo piccolo, with some more great healing methods you may have known about, first off i would like to start with belly fat. save your money on tons on gizmo's like the muscle stimulating belt were you can sit back and its supposedly burns the fat.the truth is it stimulates the muscle but its not FDA approved for weight loss,girth reduction or obtaining rock hard abs which is what it claims to do.what works for sure basic secrets to success is a change in diet instead of eating chips all the time or cookies switch up those meals with a salad or apple tricks no gizmo's just a strategy that works nothing good comes easy but if planned its not so bad.there are tons of reasons abdominal fat finds its way into the bloodstream more readily than other types of builds up fatty acids which in turn build high cholesterol and high blood pressure two prime reasons for heart disease.there is also evidence that carrying fat in the mid section will create estrogen activity in the body which can be the reason for a lot of breast cancer.its much higher percentage in women with belly fat than women with overall body fat or skinny women the belly burning ball is probably the best tool to be used here's how to use it:sit on the ball with your feet flat about shoulder width apart.Let the ball roll backward slowly so it lies beneath your lower back and hips,while your thighs and lower torso are parallel to the floor.position feet further apart for better balance.Place your hands behind head or across chest. Next raise your upper torso no more than 45 degrees by contracting your abs repeat as many as you can at least 3 sets to make a difference.Any sit ups will help greatly hope this was helpful will have up some more help full tips soon. love you all and hope to chat with you soon any ideas that are health related would love to research something that can help you,catch you all soon ......


Friday, April 6, 2012

healing foods i love it heres 4 easy ways to better health through food simpleliving made easy

 4 easy foods to cure your ailments

Vinegar can lower your blood sugar if you are a diabetic with type 2 diabetes this is particularly helpful. If you take 2 to 4 teaspoons of vinegar before after or in your salads like balsmic can also just have some with cucumber or tomato whatever your interest,this blunts the rise in your sugar level after meals.hate those sugar spikes still follow a good diet please.

Honey{regular} soothes coughs and helps coat throat while breaking up the mucus.this is great for sick kids ages 1-6 no honey for kids younger than 1 try a half teaspoon in the morning  and agian once before bedtime.

Chamomile tea eases pain for menstrual cramps.drinking this tea relaxes the uterus by elevating the body's natural levels of glycine,an amino acid that stops muscle spasms 1 to 3 cups a day of the caffiene free during your menstrual cycle.

Onion and peppermint tea stops throwing up. If u happen to get the ( BUG) and your throwing up and as we all know isnt a great night in. so basically cut a half onion to boil in water then throw the boiled onion water  into your peppermint tea and sip it lighty a few times every fifteen minutes. This will at first curb your throwing then stop it.

love you all hope this weeks naturalremediez were helpfull will have more up this week catch you all soon.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

hello all its William again just sharing another awesome easy cheap tip for people suffering from arthritis related problems who maybe would enjoy adding a healthy grandma remedies to there diet that u may not know about.. basil has no side effects and can be added to cooking foods ,tea or whatever else u may want to try like just eating it lol.basically it helps to curb the pain and swelling associated with arthritis so u may want to invest in some free medication .have some more helpful researched tips for u soon couple with great facts  catch you all soon......

simple living a little more time to enjoy us thru grandma remedies

hey whats up all its William here just looking to improve the quality of our lives through some simple researched ideas somewhat like grandma remedies . did u know that eating a Fuji apple a day can ease all sorts of stomach related problems that people go to the doctor and spend tons of money to solve there problems there so if u had experienced any such issues with your health or a friend has Tell them to just buy a bag or get a bag for them fairly cheap and u will probably make a friend out of the deal. will have some more health related remedies coming up soon.
feat remedies u can look up but maybe didn't know about yet
 anyways lots of love to you all stay healthy and ill catch up with u soon